Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Crisis Situation Report No. 39
This report produced by OCHA Libya in collaboration with humanitarian partners, covering the period of 19 May to 23 May. The next report will be issued on or around 26 May.
• The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator and a team including IOM, WHO and UNDSS, traveled to Tripoli from 20 – 22 May to discuss the return of an international humanitarian presence in the capital.
• In the Western Mountains area, the most affected populations are around Yafran, Al Qaala and Kekla.
• A fire overnight at Choucha Camp on the Tunisian-Libyan border resulted in the deaths of four camp residents and one injured.
• An IOM ship evacuated 785 people from Misrata, and delivered 300 metric tons of cargo including a field hospital and other medical supplies.
• The US$407 million revised Regional Flash Appeal for the Libyan Crisis is currently funded at 44 percent with US$179 million committed and $3.6 million in pledges.